How to change the icon of an application

October 8, 2005

Really the best way to make an icon file is to purchase a liscense for a shareware applicationt that can make icons. But if you want to save a few bucks, here’s some steps to making your own icon. You must install Developer Tools to follow these steps.

1. To make an .icns file, you need some sort of image program like Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or Illustrator.
2. Draw your image for the icon.
3. Make sure you have Developer Tools installed on your Macintosh HD, and go into the Developer> Applications> Utilities> Icon
4. Import the transparent or layered image into Icon Composer from the file menu. Make sure you import it for the different file sizes (small, thumbnail, ext.)
5. Save the .icns file to your desktop.
6. Go inside the package contents of the application of which you wish to change the icon. Find the Resources folder and delete the old .icns file and move the new one into the Resources folder. *Warning- The icon will not change until you restart.

See Icon Composer Screenshot

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