Desktop Pictures Problem- qtimageserver

November 27, 2005

Last night, I decided to change my desktop picture. I set it to: Change Picture every 5 seconds. Well, this morning, I noticed that my system was running incredibly slow. I knew that something was wrong. So, I used OnyX to clean up some caches, and it optimized my system. Then, I booted from my […]

Erase and Install Mac OS X

November 15, 2005

Well, if you are wondering where I have been lately, I have a good excuse. My system has had a lot of trouble lately, and has been crashing due to an excessive amount of freeware applications. OOPS! So, yesterday I backed up my photos, music, videos, and some applications to my iPod, and today I […]

No QuickTime Pro Required

October 28, 2005

The buzz on converting the format to a 320 by 240 resolution has been very strong lately, and many freeware apps are coming out to do the job. At first, only Quicktime Pro users could convert their own movies to the iPod format. Now, even people with iMovie can easily export their home movies to […]

Downloadable iCalendars from Apple

October 25, 2005

When is that movie coming out on DVD? What day is Groundhog day? When is U2 coming to my town? Apple has the answer. At Apple’s iCal page, you can get all of the calendars that have special events, like sports and holidays, etc. You can also get a calendar of when movies are released, […]

How to change the icon of an application

October 8, 2005

Really the best way to make an icon file is to purchase a liscense for a shareware applicationt that can make icons. But if you want to save a few bucks, here’s some steps to making your own icon. You must install Developer Tools to follow these steps. 1. To make an .icns file, you […]

Bring Multiple Widgets off the Dashboard! (Without 3rd Party Apps)

October 8, 2005

There is a very easy way to drag multiple widgets off the dashboard permanently. Go into terminal; type: defaults write devmode YES Log out, and log back in. Open dashboard, drag a widget either from the widget bar, or the dashboard, press F12, and let go. Give it a couple seconds, and when you […]

Change the desktop picture at login

October 8, 2005

Just a simple tip, and I didn’t realize until reading around. To change the background at login: 1. Go to Library>Desktop Pictures. 2. Just move the image you wish would show at log-in. 3. Back up the original ‘Aqua Blue.jpg’. 3. Rename it Aqua Blue.jpg. (Make sure you back up the original just in case […]

Easily Shut Down using your Keyboard

October 8, 2005

To get the windows that asks you to either sleep, shut down, or restart easily, hold down the control key and click on the eject button. Click return to shut down, or press “R” for restart and “S” for sleep. I just found this tip out in a great book, Mac OS X Panther Killer […]

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