Intel Powerbook or video iPod?

October 10, 2005

If you listen to tWiT 26, the TWiTs thinks that the Intel Powerbook will be released on October 12th. I think that Apple would surprise a lot of people, if they did that. If you ask me, I think that it is not the Intel Powerbook. Apple could update the Powerbooks and Powermacs, but I don’t think that it is Intel. Steve said that Apple and IBM (or freescale) have products to release before they release the Intel processors. And Adam Christianson mentioned how there is a curtain in the background. Doesn’t that hint to a theatre? Remember the jean pocket in the first invitation? Well, they did that, because of the small pocket, where you can’t fit anything in (except for the nano). So, it only makes sense that the main product to be released will be the iPod that plays video. Adam also mentions how Apple hasn’t posted any new music videos on iTunes lately. So, I guess they are planning for the music videos that will be bought. All of the clues point to the video iPod.

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