MySync – Mac-to-Mac syncing capabilities of .mac, without .mac

January 17, 2006

MySync helps you transfer certain files between Macs easily. With a click of a button, all of your bookmarks, contacts, keychains, calendars, Mail accounts, and Mail rules and signatures can be transfered from Mac-to-Mac. You can also setup MySync to perform timely synchronizations, such as hourly, daily, weekly, etc. I had no trouble setting up MySync for my iBook and my iMac, it only took me about 2 minutes. MySync detected my iBook in no-time, thanks to Tiger’s bonjour.

MySync was recently updated to .7 beta, and it includes many new security features, like Authentication and SSL encryption. .7 also includes new features to sync outside of your local network. You can test out MySync as a demo, and when it moves out of beta, you can purchase a license.

See MySync Screenshot

One Response

  1. Scott says:

    Cool! The Mac to Mac syncing was actually a feature of .Mac that I used. I was lucky enough to have a couple of years where I was given a free .Mac subscription from Apple but unfortunately I am no longer eligeble. So I decided to not renew .Mac with a paid membership.

    I will have to give this program a try it looks good.

    January 18th, 2006 at 11:04 pm

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