Mini-touch finger LCDs could be used to perform popular actions on future models of Mac notebooks

February 22, 2006

A new rumor started by New Tech Spy is a really cool idea that LCD buttons are going to be placed on the touchpad of an Apple laptop and can be used to perform actions and activate menu bars when touched. The buttons are to have icons and functions, such as Spotlight, battery status, time, brightness, and possibly other menu bar item options.

Laptop Trackpad Rumor

New Tech Spy believes that this will be launched as soon as January 2007 and will eventually replace the function keys. They think that the keys will be separated by aluminum, and they say that the keys can be programmed for any function to the user’s choice.

I really am excited about this idea, and I think it would be a hit. This would make it really convenient and easy to access popular actions and applications. I’m not sure if Apple would go for it, but it is a really cool idea and could be the future possibility.

[Via Mac Mini Blog]

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