Another Video iPod?

November 1, 2005

I have strong beliefs that another multimedia device is being worked on, and will be released within the next year or so. I mean, doesn’t it make sense?

Clues toward a multimedia device:

1- PSP- Apple needs to watch out for competitors, and it seems as if the PSP has the capability to become an iPod killer, through evolution. 🙂

2- iTunes sells 1,000,000 videos in 20 days.

3- They didn’t name the iPod the Video iPod, just iPod.

4- Intel- As I have mentioned before, I think Apple moved toward Intel not only for the Macs, but rather the iPod as well

5- h.264- A great way of compression, but requires a good amount of processor power (Intel).

6- Apple wants to gain control, and they have conquered the music industry and most of the creative industry, so their focus in now on video content, obviously.

7- Downloadable TV shows- Wouldn’t it be cool to download your TV shows and podcasts via Wi-Fi?

I just hope that Apple is looking ahead that far, and I hope to see a device as I have mentioned coming next year. This is Microsoft’s worst nightmare, because they just sat and watched Apple steal the entire music industry, and they won’t want it to happen again with video content.

Let the rumors begin!

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